Red Hat 8.6 FAPolicy Preventing Podman Containers from Running

Error: unable to start container /user/bin/runc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Operation not permitted: OCI permission denied

How to Fix

  1. sudo vi /etc/fapolicyd/rules.d/95-allow-open.rules
  2. Append the following 2 lines of text to 95-allow-open.rules

    1. allow perm=open exe=/usr/lib/ : all
    2. allow perm=open exe=/usr/lib64/ : all
  3. sudo fapolicyd-cli --update
  4. sudo systemctl restart fapolicyd

Food for Thought

This may not be the correct way to fix this issue, however it definitely works. Red Hats documentation is a bit unclear in some regards, in my opinion. For additional information, you can read more about FA Policy using the following link -